The Premier Integrative Applied Neurology
and Therapeutic Laser Center of Arizona

(Scroll down for solutions to chronic pain)

We hear the same story over and over.

“I haven’t been the same since… XYZ”

“I just woke up with pain.”

“I went to the MD, Neurologist, PT, (enter specialist here), and they told me they can’t do anything more for me, even though I still have pain.”

The ONE thing these practitioners have in common, is that they are NOT addressing the brain based model for pain.

You see, pain signals are being sent at all times by pain signaling nerves called nociceptors. These nociceptors are inhibited in the spinal cord by proprioceptors which send signals from the body including, muscles, joints and skin. (This is one of the reasons why we shake our hand when be “jam” our fingers- this is proprioception taking place to inhibit pain) Also this is why chiropractic and exercise works so well for pain control.

Now the brain based component to pain control involves the cortex and the brainstem. The brainstem houses areas responsible

for descending pain inhibition; the periaquaductal grey (PAG) in the upper brainstem, Rostralventromedial medulla (RVM) in the lower brainstem, and locus ceruleus located in the middle all have different effects on pain, ie different mechanisms.

The more important component of chronic pain involves “flaring up” these areas, or dampening their output. Inflammation, stress, and poor brain-gut axis function are 3 main ways chronic pain continues to exist, because it makes certain areas over-fire, and other areas under-fire.

What can be done for chronic pain? I’ve tried all medications, I’ve tried PT and nothing has helped.

Let’s consider the brain-based approach to pain modulation.

First, we need to evaluate to see if the pain signals coming from a certain area (low back, shoulder, neck, or even knees) is due to localized pain or centralized pain.

Centralized pain means the pain signals in the brain and spinal cord have become extremely efficient at transmitting this pain signal, and they have become “plastic”. Plastic in neurology means that something is very efficient at sending a signal. Pain can become plastic (bad), happiness can become plastic (good!), depression can become plastic (bad)… you get the point.


Now let’s get back to chronic pain. There’s a few different types or pain


What to do for chronic centralized pain:


If you have chronic pain and are finally looking to get rid of it, or significantly improving your quality of life, give our office a call and we will get you and your brain evaluated and begin to employ all of our therapies to give you the best chance to live a happier and more pain-free life.


Call us at 480-756-2600