The Premier Integrative Applied Neurology
and Therapeutic Laser Center of Arizona

Erchonia Laser Neurological Lecture May 2017Memory loss can be very scary for you and for your loved ones.

How far are you willing to go to prevent this from happening? There are proven ways of preventing memory loss, and the implementation really isn’t all too drastic. People are doing this every day, and they don’t even know it.

People everyday are eliminating poor food choices, excess sugar and simple carbs (like rice, pasta, bread and sugary drinks/foods) from their diets. People are exercising. People are taking supplements. Heck, people are even mixing together Coffee, Grass-Fed (lactose free) Butter, and Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil (MCT Oils) for brain fuel. (I know I have my BulletProof Coffee Daily).

Below is the Functional Neurology foundational approach to preventing memory lossmemory loss

In the study, subjects reversed their memory loss through the following approaches also commonly used in functional neurology:

Researchers found the biggest challenge in the study was complaining from the subjects about all the changes. Nevertheless, all but one enjoyed significant benefits.

The #1 Thing to Avoid in order to prevent memory loss is SUGAR.

Too much sugar in the diet releases too much insulin. Too much insulin and glucose in the blood stream will begin to resist insulin’s response at the cellular=Insulin Resistance (pre-diabetes).  Alzheimer’s is considered Type 3 Diabetes by many physicians because carbohydrates are so destructive to the brain.


How functional neurology can reverse memory loss


Exercise is another vital strategy to reverse memory loss because it has so many beneficial effects on the brain.

It’s also important to get enough sleep every night to reverse memory loss. This is because one purpose of the brain waves produced during sleep is to transfer memories from short-term storage to long-term storage areas of the brain (hippocampus to neocortex). Too little sleep disrupts this process.

A gluten-free diet can be a profound tool to reverse memory loss — in some people gluten triggers inflammation or autoimmune destruction of brain tissue, sabotaging memory function. Other foods such as dairy, eggs, soy, and grains can do the same.

Although most people think a gluten sensitivity causes gut problems, the truth it more commonly causes neurological damage. For some people, simply going gluten free profoundly improves their brain health and reverses memory loss.

Rehabilitating brain deficits to reverse memory loss

In addition to dietary and lifestyle approaches, functional neurology rehabilitation techniques can help reverse memory loss. If an area of your brain is under active or over active, functional neurology exercises to restore balance and function to the brain will help improve overall brain function, including reversing memory loss.

Call our office for more information on implementing the right strategies to prevent memory loss, or to address the beginning stages of memory loss before it’s too late.
