The Premier Integrative Applied Neurology and Therapeutic Laser Center of Arizona

Comprehensive and Natural Laser Weight Loss Program

Why use a laser weight loss program?

Recent estimates suggest that by 2030 half of all Americans will be not just overweight but obese.1 As Chiropractic Neurologists, we know that weight loss is far more complicated than simply burning more calories than one consumes or going on a “fad diet”. Our comprehensive patient intake and metabolic assessment allows for a more detailed approach of all the factors that may be causing or contributing to obesity in our patients and provides more comprehensive and lasting results.

Stabilize Blood Glucose Level and Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Blood glucose levels should be stable on blood labs between 70-100 mg/dl. However, if you’re looking to optimize your blood sugar, you would think the sweet spot is right in the middle. And this is correct. Functionally optimized levels should be fluctuating between 85-92mg/dl.  When it is within these ranges (maintained by typically smaller more protein and fat dense meals daily), production of insulin is appropriate and you’re able to fuel your cells, and burn fat properly. When you’ve got high and frequent spikes in blood sugar and therefore insulin spikes, it promotes fat production. Blood glucose fluctuations provoke carbohydrate and sugar cravings, perpetuating the blood glucose and insulin roller coaster. Maintaining a stable blood glucose level through a low glycemic index and low glycemic load diet, daily physical activity, and stress reduction are key issues for those dealing with weight problems. In addition, dampening inflammation in the body is a huge key for cortisol and insulin regulation.

The more frequently that blood glucose level spikes and insulin is produced, the greater is the likelihood of eventually developing insulin resistance. Once in that “prediabetic” state, blood glucose level will stay higher longer, increasing the demand for insulin and promoting more fat production. Zinc,2 cinnamon,3and aerobic exercise4 can all improve insulin sensitivity. We have products within the program that may help decrease this insulin sensitivity if this is a problem for you.

It is also very important to keep your HbA1c levels below 5.6 for optimal long term blood sugar levels. C-peptide is another marker we use when suspecting insulin resistance, but patients are on HbA1c lowering medication (metformin).

Reduce Stress, Modulate Cortisol Level, and Support Adrenal Stress Adaptation

Stress hormones like cortisol cause blood glucose level spikes, produce insulin, and contribute to poor eating habits and obesity.5 Vital to a weight loss program are stress reduction techniques, such as yoga6; breathing exercises, and meditation7; massage therapy8; and regular physical activity, chiropractic, social support, and psychotherapy.9

Excessive cortisol (from excessive stress/inflammation) can lead to weight gain through higher blood glucose levels, suppressed triiodothyronine level (T3 thyroid hormone), and increased reverse triiodothyronine level.10 Adaptogenic herbs like Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis, and Eleutherococcus senticosus have demonstrated the ability to modulate cortisol levels, improve mental performance, and increase endurance.11 Adrenal support is very important to combat the constant stressors that we face daily and to help support sleep and improved energy.

Protein, Fat, and Reducing Inflammation

Excessive caloric consumption without a concomitant increase in energy expenditure will result in excess body fat. However, all calories are not created equal. The energy expenditure required to store excess dietary triglycerides as fat is very low (0%-2%), for carbohydrate is 6% to 8%, and for protein is 25% to 30%.12 A shift from a higher carbohydrate diet to a higher lean protein diet will enhance energy expenditure.

With our program, we focus on stress, reducing inflammation, proper hydration and sleep, as well as evaluate and uncover the comprehensive metabolic processes to help support any faulty processes or systems that are present and hinder you from losing weight.

Introduction to Low Level Laser Weight Loss Therapy (LLLT)

LLLT has shown numerous health benefits with FDA clearances for hip and waist circumference reduction, foot pain, neck pain and others (see
Essentially what the 635nm laser does, is continually hits fat cells with light. Certain components within the fat cell create pores. These pores essentially allow ejection of the fat within the cell to exit into the lymphatic system. Once in the lymphatic system the body them begins the draining process. We use specifically designed whole body vibration at frequencies shown to aid in lymphatic drainage of the fat from the cells and body.


Regular exercise is an important aspect of maintaining health and a healthy weight because diet alone sometimes is just not enough. It does not require a huge time commitment, an expensive gym membership, or special equipment. Simply fostering the habit of going for a brisk walk every single day for 30 minutes could be enough exercise.

That being said, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT or HIT) has been shown to be very effective in weight loss and compliance, as well as optimal for producing BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) which means it makes the brain grow. This involves short bursts from 15-60 seconds (typically) mixed with 30 seconds to 3-5 minutes rest between intensive phases.

Hormones and Neurotransmitters

If overweight patients are indeed experiencing a thyroid condition, we can support healthy thyroid function, but we must first determine if the issue is from poor pituitary function, poor thyroid output, or poor conversion from T4 to T3 or even an autoimmune thyroid condition (90% of hypothyroid is said to be hashimoto’s=autoimmune attack of the thyroid). This is not typically evaluated by most medical doctors (they typically measure TSH and T4, which is missing the boat because T3 is your active form of thyroid hormone in the body) however we have found natural non-pharmaceutical support (not direct hormone or medication support) can drastically improve clinical outcomes with mood, energy, brain fog and mental processing capabilities.

Sleep and Hydration

Insufficient sleep increases insulin resistance and heightens risk for obesity. One study28 demonstrated that even 1 night of sleep deprivation (with only 4 hours of sleep) induced insulin resistance in multiple metabolic pathways among healthy participants. A total of 8 hours of sleep per night is optimal to maintain a healthy weight and insulin sensitivity.

Patients who are chronically dehydrated may mistake thirst for hunger and eat instead of drink. Encourage consumption of water and herbal teas only. Discourage intake of calories through sweetened drinks and fruit juices.



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