Headache/Migraine Program

Regarding the structural and neurological aspects, evaluating a patient for chronic headaches or migraines, we assess the neck, the head, the muscles, and how they all work together. We also must consider how the neurological system is integrating which includes:
- the oculomotor system (eyes)
- the inner ear system (vestibular)
- the balance and coordination systems (cerebellum)
- the fuel supply (autonomic system)
- the motoric system (frontal lobe)
- the limbic system (emotions and thoughts)
- the sensory system (parietal lobe).
If your headache specialist is not performing this evaluation, you may never reach your full potential with headache resolution.
Food Triggers, Blood Sugar Dysregulation, Leaky Gut, Thyroid Dysfunction, Liver Detox, Adrenals, Hormones
If you’re eating foods that are triggering an inflammatory reaction, then you’re breaking down your gut lining creating a leaky gut, which allows MORE poorly broken down foods and amino acids into the system that are triggered MORE inflammation. More inflammation requires more cortisol, which stresses the adrenal glands. More inflammation stresses the liver detoxification system. Inflammation stresses the thyroid.
When inflammation is triggered, your body’s natural anti-inflammatory hormone is released called Cortisol. Cortisol’s
Relief from Chronic Migraines
“After my return to town from helping my mother move I started experiencing headaches. Not just a normal headache but one that made me nauseous and had me thinking I should go to the ER. I don’t typically get headaches and this was what I figured people called a migraine. After several hours and a ton of over-the-counter drugs, it subsided but returned the next day. For several days this went on and my friends were saying I should go to my primary physician. Dr. Berry had helped me with other conditions in the past so I thought I would see him first. Thank god I did or else I bet I’d be on all the migraine drugs my friends are on. After just one treatment he knew exactly what was going on and with his treatment, I walked out feeling better. I felt the slight lingering of a headache that night and the next morning but after that, I haven’t experienced a single headache of any kind! It’s been over a month and I’m still feeling great. Truly remarkable! I can’t thank him enough and I refer him to everyone I know who’s ever experienced a migraine.”
Our approach to migraines begins with a thorough history and neurological exam. We’ve been told our neurological exam is more in-depth than even a medical neurologist’s exam.
We use neuro-diagnostics, comprehensive blood lab analysis, functional neuro-orthopedic assessments, and functional medicine testing to help uncover the real reason you’re having migraines. Once we identify what, where, and why you’re having your migraines, we develop a very specific treatment for you using our proprietary approach to migraine headaches.
We use the most up-to-date therapies to help provide our industry-leading results:
- FDA Approved Laser Therapies
- Functional Neuro-Orthopedic Rehab (Soft tissue release techniques that very few in the world are trained to perform)
- Neurologically specific Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy
- Neuromuscular rehabilitation techniques
- Nerve Rebuilder Therapy
- Cranial Nerve Stimulation Devices
- Vagal Nerve Stimulation
- Sanet Vision Integration
- Oculomotor stabilization
- Specific Vestibular Therapy (SVT)
Some of our patients have experienced relief in as little as 5 minutes. We can provide rapid relief, yet we are always addressing the underlying cause.
Call our office today (480) 756-2600